Can You Get Married During Ramadan? Best Guide In 2023

Reviewed by: Shakira Ahmed
Fact Checked by: Shahina Islam

Can You Get Married During Ramadan

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? There has been a lot of confusion regarding, whether can you get married during Ramadan. The answer is yes, Muslims are allowed to get married during Ramadan.

Islamic law does not forbid marriages at any time of the year. However, it is important to note that married couples should maintain moderation in their activities during the holy month.

This means that married couples should still be mindful of the fact that they are observing a period of fasting, prayer, and reflection during Ramadan.

Can You Get Married During Ramadan?

Ramadan is an important religious period for Muslims, who observe it with fasting, prayer, and reflection. Can You Get Married During Ramadan? During this month, many Muslims refrain from certain activities such as eating, drinking, and having sex between sunrise and sunset. As a result, marriage during Ramadan is not permissible, as it would involve all of these activities. 

According to Ahmad Al-Sohli (president of the Holy Qur’an Memorization Society in Taif),

” it is better not to hold marriage ceremonies in Ramadan.”

Ahmad Al-Sohli

He said:

“Even though it is permissible under Shariah, there is an increased risk of the sanctity of the holy month being violated. Sometimes, the newly married couple may not bother to abstain from physical relations during the day in the fasting month. This is a major sin and offenders have to fast for a two-month period without any break as a penalty,”

On the contrary, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Dabbash, another profound preacher, claims there is nothing wrong in holding marriage ceremonies during Ramadan if it doesn’t affect your schedule of worship and prayers during this holy month.

He also added,

“But the best thing is to postpone the wedding parties to a later date. This is the recommendation to avoid forbidden acts happening,”

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Dabbash

There are some circumstances in which marriage during Ramadan may be allowed. 

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? For example, if the bride or groom faces a time-sensitive situation that requires them to get married right away (such as health issues or an impending deployment), then a Muslim cleric has the authority to allow the marriage to take place during Ramadan. In all other cases, however, marriage during this holy month should be avoided. 

Why Is Marriage During Ramadan Not Permissible?

Why Is Marriage During Ramadan Not Permissible

Marriage during Ramadan is not permissible because it involves activities that are forbidden during this period.

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? These activities include eating and drinking, which are prohibited during the day, as well as physical relations between married couples, which should also be avoided during Ramadan. 

Additionally, many Muslims choose to refrain from celebrating or partying during the holy month, so having a wedding ceremony is considered to be inappropriate.

Married couples need to keep in mind that Ramadan is a time of reflection and spirituality, and it should be respected as such.

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? By avoiding marriage during this period, married couples can ensure that they are respecting the sanctity of the holy month and doing their part to honor the traditions associated with Ramadan.

It’s also important to note that getting married in some countries involves paperwork and possibly even legal proceedings – another thing that would go against the spirit of abstinence which characterizes a holy month like Ramadan.

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? In addition, many Muslim countries have specific laws about marriage and divorce – so even if couples are thinking about getting married during this season, they may need to wait until after the end of Ramadan before they can proceed with any kind of official ceremony or documents related to their union. 

Are Men Allowed To Kiss Women At Their Wedding During Ramadan?

Muslims are guided to abide by modesty in their practices. During the holy month of Ramadan, married couples are not allowed to engage in physical relations during the day.

As a result, men and women are not allowed to kiss during their wedding ceremony when it is taking place during Ramadan.

Kissing is an intimate act that should be avoided during the holy month of Ramadan, as it goes against the spirit of fasting and abstinence associated with this period.

Additionally, married couples should also exercise discretion when engaging in any physical displays of affection during this time.

However, married couples are still allowed to express their love for one another in other ways such as holding hands or embracing during the ceremony. Additionally, married couples are allowed to engage in sexual relations after sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.

Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Mangera taught:

“Such intimate expressions like kissing in front of the family or public should be avoided, even though it may be performed by a legitimately married couple. Expression of this type of interaction in public can lead to an unrestricted, carefree, and immoral atmosphere which Islam forbids. It would at least draw attention to the couple if nothing else.”

Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Mangera

As Allah says:

“Come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret” 

(al-Qur’an 6:151)

Are Married Couples Allowed To Have Sex During Ramadan?

Married couples are allowed to have sex during Ramadan. However, they must make sure that they only engage in sexual relations after sunset and before dawn during the holy month of Ramadan.

Doing so will honor the spirit of fasting and abstinence associated with this period. Additionally, married couples should also exercise discretion when engaging in any physical displays of affection during this time, such as kissing.

Can You Get Married During Ramadan? Having sex is considered to be one of the permissible activities that married couples are allowed to engage in during Ramadan.

However, married couples should also ensure that they remain mindful and respectful of the rules associated with Ramadan and refrain from doing anything that would disrupt or compromise the holiness of the month.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What You Cannot Do During Ramadan?

During Ramadan, observant Muslims are expected to observe five core principles: fasting, prayer, charity, self-reflection, and abstinence.

As such, during this holy period, married couples should refrain from engaging in any activities that go against the spirit of fasting and abstinence associated with Ramadan. 

This includes things like physical displays of affection (such as kissing), overeating, drinking alcohol, and engaging in sexual relations during the day.

2. What Is The Purpose Of Fasting During Ramadan?

The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to allow Muslims to focus on self-reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth. 

During this period, married couples should dedicate themselves to the practice of fasting and strive to strengthen their relationship with God by engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer, reading the Quran, performing acts of charity, and abstaining from activities that would disrupt or compromise the holiness of Ramadan.

3. Does Kissing A Girl Break Your Fast?

Kissing is considered to be one of the physical acts of intimacy that married couples should abstain from during Ramadan.

Kissing a girl can break your fast and as such, married couples should take extra precautions when engaging in any physical displays of affection during this time.

By adhering to the aforementioned guidelines, married couples should be able to enjoy the blessings of Ramadan without compromising their faith.


Can You Get Married During Ramadan? So for concluding the verdict can you get married during Ramadan? According to our research, it is generally discouraged for Muslims so that they can more fully devote themselves to their spiritual practice without distraction or disruption from worldly affairs like beginning a new relationship or entering into matrimony.

Therefore, if at all possible it is best for couples awaiting nuptials to wait until after the month of Ramadan has passed before they exchange vows to make sure their union follows traditional Islamic laws and regulations surrounding marriage and sex within Islam.

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